He never said a mumbling word
Negro spiritual
When they crucified my Lord
He never said a mumbling word
When they crucified my Lord
He never said a mumbling word
When they crucified my Lord
He never said a mumbling word
not a word, not a word

When they hung Him to the cross
He never said a mumbling word
When they hung Him to the cross
He never said a mumbling word
When they hung Him to the cross
He never said a mumbling word
not a word, not a word.

He never said a mumbling word
When they crucified my Lord
He never said a mumbling word
not a word, not a word,
not a word, not a word,
not a word, not a word.

Quando crocifissero il mio Signore,
non disse nemmeno una parola.
Quando crocifissero il mio Signore,
non mormorò nemmeno un lamento.
Quando lo appesero alla croce,
non disse nemmeno una parola,
nemmeno un lamento.